February 22-24 2009
Tuesday Session 2
11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 24
Garden 1
Curriculum Integration
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
Building Students’ Teamwork Skills for Successful Integrated Projects
Effective teamwork skills are essential for students to be successful in multidisciplinary projects. In this interactive session, participants complete and analyze a multidisciplinary project, learn about research-based strategies for building teams and developing teamwork skills, and share the challenges and effective strategies they have used in integrated classroom projects.
Paula (Penni) Hudis
Director for Pathway and Curriculum Development
ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career
Berkeley, CA
Arlene LaPlante
Director for the ConnectEd Network of Schools
ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career
Berkeley, CA
Garden 2
Career Pathways/Industry Sector
Capacity: 90
Non-Repeated Session
Career Technical Educators Designated Subject Credentials Have New Requirements!
The CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing has set new requirements for obtaining and clearing the CTE Designated Subject Credential. Find out the new requirements and also how to maintain and enhance your professional teaching career in order to be an effective teacher in the classroom. Handouts and resources will be distributed.
Rebecca Seher
Director, Credential Services
Career and Workforce Development/ROP/LACOE
Downey, CA
Garden 3
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 150
Non-repeated Session
TIP: A Teacher Support Program for Beginning CTE Teachers
Have you been hiring a lot of new teachers from business & industry? In this era of high stakes accountability, it is vitally important to support and help those neophytes become effective classroom instructors. CRY-ROP has developed the "TIP" (Teacher Induction Program) that provides support and coaching to new teachers. Through special funding from CDE, learn how you can implement a similar program.
Kit Alvarez
Director Education Services
Redlands, CA
Becky Sharp
Teacher on Assignment
Redlands, CA
Garden 4
Curriculum Integration
Capacity: 120
Non-repeated Session
Anger; Decision Making and the Steps to Change
This workshop will report on the "Options to Anger" project study funded through the National Institute of Mental Health Small Business Innovative Research Grant R44 MH068130. The project calls for an innovative training curriculum that teaches at- risk youth to understand the underlining issues of anger and decision-making. In the workshop we report on our study of "Options to Anger" curriculum at the Angell Job Corps Center with 45 students in the study group and 45 in the control group. We will demonstrate the unique mixture of interactive video training and live group discussions. In the video segments, the animated “virtual” teen group explores anger and the options to anger. In the written curriculum, we explain how to use the virtual group meetings with the real classes being held for teens to understand anger and build skills. The second half of the workshop will explore the sequel to “Options to Anger” curriculum, titled “Efficacy and Decision Making”. The general production of the project was recently completed and we are currently in our study phase of the grant. The curriculum covers important factors that can lead youth toward their goals in life.
Lee White
Northwest Media, Inc.
Eugene, OR
Harbor Room
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 120
Repeated Monday, Session 1
Making Perkins Data Work for You!
Data can prove the effectiveness of career technical education and generate support for CTE programs. Strategies will be discussed regarding required student reporting elements (E-1), following up with students after course completion (E-2), and the implications of the core performance indicators.
Geoff Belleau
Education Program Consultant
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
Imperial Room
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
Student Paths: Helping Students Transition from High School to their Future
Student Paths is a free program used in nearly 4,000 high schools across the country. The program promotes a meaningful dialogue between educators and students about the range of options available to students after high school and the thoughts and actions necessary to better ensure a successful future.
Ana Eliason
High School Outreach Coordinator
Student Paths
Roseville, MN
K-8 Models
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session
Kaleidoscope: A Model for 7th & 8th Grade Career Exploration
The number of combinations and patterns of a Kaleidoscope are endless. So too are the options for career and exploration for 7th & 8th graders. Hear from a panel of CTE Community Collaborative members from South county as they share their 3-year model for middle school career theory and exploration.
Penny Skaff
CTE Community Collaborative Project Director/Counselor/Instructor
Saddleback College
Mission Viejo, CA
Jennifer Gleizer
7th & 8th Grade Career Intern
Saddleback College
Mission Viejo, CA
Dr. Kay Ostensen
Thurston Middle School/Laguna Beach School District
Mission Viejo, CA
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection
Capacity: 120
Non-repeated Session
Strengthening the College and Career Culture
With support from the James Irvine Foundation, the presenters have partnered to develop the college tools for schools website. In this session, participants will explore the new website and gain information about increasing access to the a-g curriculum, transcript evaluation, advancing the college and career culture, and academies. Bring your questions!
Patricia Clark
Field Consultant, Career Academy Support Network
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Miya Hayes Melish
Assitant Director, School/University Partnerships
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Juan Sanchez
Office of President
University of California
Oakland, CA
Regal Room
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
Starting a Small Gas Engine/Outdoor Power Equipment Program
What are the resources available to you to begin a Small Gas Engines Program? What are the benefits? Pioneer Valley High School received the CITEA award for “Outstanding High School Program” in 2008. Find out how to access some of the same resources they’ve used.
Christine Linne
Industrial Technology Teacher
Pioneer Valley High School
Santa Maria, CA
Salon I – North Tower
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session
California Partnership Academies Grant Application Workshop
There are 123 California Partnership Academy Grants available for 2009-10! This presentation will provide valuable information for prospective grant applicants. It will describe Green Academy requirements, Goods Movement and Logistics Academy requirements, and requirements for all other industry sectors. Please join us to learn how
your school can become part of the California Partnership Academy family.
Karen Shores
Education Programs Consultant
California Department of Education, High School Initiatives Unit
Sacramento, CA
Salon III – North Tower
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 50
Repeated All Sessions
Perkins Office
When CDE consultants are not presenting workshops, they will be available to meet with local Perkins coordinators to answer district specific questions and to provide technical assistance. Check the schedule posted outside Salon III to see when each consultant is available.
Perkins Unit Education Consultants
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
Salon V – North Tower
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 70
Repeated Tuesday, Session 1
Improving Access and Opportunities for Nontraditional & Special Population Students: Planting a Career Technical Education STEM for the Future
Perkins IV focuses on 1) professional development 2) implementation of evaluations, 3) the provision of activities to prepare special population. Join us as we introduce you to a process that allows you to meet all three of these mandates as well as other Perkins IV goals. Receive free materials and online resources. Join us as you share with and learn from your colleagues about the success and barriers.
Elizabeth Wallner
Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee
Sacramento, CA
Salon VII & VIII – North Tower
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 70
Repeated Monday, Session 2
Spending Perkins $$ -- What’s Allowable, What’s Not!
Perkins IV and the California State CTE Plan outline how Perkins monies can be spent to improve, enhance, or expand CTE programs. This workshop will help CTE educators understand how the usage of funds have changed with the new act. Keeping an equipment inventory will also be highlighted.
Barbara Weiss
Education Program Consultant
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
Eric Dyer
Education Program Consultant
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
Standards-Based Curriculum
Capacity: 60
Repeated Tuesday, Session 1
Building Pre-algebra Skills through Project Based Learning
This highly interactive session introduces participants to a set of engineering- and technology-related, project-based pre-algebra units. They are suitable for a summer school program, after-school supplementary instruction, or a middle-school pre-algebra class. Participants complete a modified activity that illustrates actual classroom instruction.
Khanh Bui
Associate for Curriculum Development
ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career
Berkeley, CA
Pier Sun Ho
Senior Associate for Curriculum Development
ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career
Berkeley, CA
Terrace A-C
Standards-Based Curriculum; Curriculum Integration
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
The Buzz About the Standards Alignment Process
How does a group of educators and industry professionals come together effectively in the process of aligning curriculum with their individual standards? This session will demonstrate how to use a Collaborative Alignment Template and how this template is designed to align instructional units with the Model Curriculum Standards – both Academic Content Standards and Career Technical Education Standards. During this session participants will also work through the process that allows for building of future curriculum utilizing the Collaborative Alignment Template. Flash drives with the template, the California Standards and Framework, as well as aligned curriculum samples and other resources will be handed out to participants.
CAST (Collaborative Alignment Support Team)
Terrace D-F
Business & Marketing Management
Capacity: 80
Non-Repeated Session
How to Set-up Your Own Blog
Have you ever wanted to have your own web site? Would you like to share your experiences with other educators? In this session we will walk you through setting up your own blog/website using tools freely available. No HTML or Programming knowledge required. If you can write an email then you can blog.
Bob Kepford
State Center Consortium
Clovis, CA