February 22-24 2009
Tuesday Session 1
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Tuesday, February 24
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 60
Non-repeated Session
Using the New Web-based Career Decision Making (CDM)
The CDM-R is a system first published in 1976 that combines an assessment of interest, work values, subject matter preferences, and self-estimates of abilities with biennial updates of career information. Over the years, it has had multiple revisions. This session will look at the latest revision which is more efficient in its new Web-based format.
Larry Hanken, Ph.D.
National Consultant and Director
Pearson University Alliance Program
Gilbert, AZ
Garden 1
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
How to Create a Standards Aligned Forensic Biotech Program
Participants will learn how a program that grew from 150 students to 450+ in two years. It is nationally recognized, and has developed standards aligned curriculum approved for college prep. Included in this model is articulation from 7th grade to university to workforce articulation, authentic in-school research and high student engagement.
Dave Menshew
Leadership Team Member
Enochs High School Forensic Biotech Career Pathway Program
Modesto, CA
Carol Schutt
Leadership Team Member
Enochs High School Forensic Biotech Career Pathway Program
Modesto, CA
Garden 2
Business & Marketing Management; Secondary-Postsecondary Connection
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
Partnership Resources for Model Entrepreneurship Education Programs
This “must attend” presentation will share resources for high schools and community colleges to develop model entrepreneurship programs through partnerships with Small Business Development Centers and YEPs (Youth Entrepreneurship Programs) utilizing SB70 resources. Panel members represent an ROP State Model Program, their SBDC Director, and the State Coordinator for YEPs.
Polly Farina
Business Teacher and CTE Coordinator
Benicia High School
Benicia, CA
Charles Eason
Solano College Small Business Development Center
Fairfield, CA
Dawn Bateman
Youth Entrepreneurship Program Coordinator
California Community Colleges, Economic & Workforce Development, Small Business Programs
Garden 3
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 150
Non-repeated Session
A Five Step Career Planning Format for Teens
Career Pathways are part of a larger career development, career maturity process for youth. This session will provide a five step process/format to be used with teens to promote these goals. It provides an effective way to introduce the importance of career pathways to parents and teens.
Dr. Ken Gray
Keynote speaker and author
Garden 4
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 120
Non-repeated Session
The Mary Pickford Institute Mobile Film Classrooms
This session will introduce our mobile film classroom enrichment program which is designed to “ignite an excitement for learning.” In addition, participants will be presented with how to teach the art of storytelling and innovation through digital media.
Keith Lawrence
President and CEO
The Mary Pickford Institute for Film Education
Los Angeles, CA
Andi Hicks
The Mary Pickford Institute for Film Education
Los Angeles, CA
Evita Castine
Program Director
The Mary Pickford Institute for Film Education
Los Angeles, CA
K-8 Models
Capacity: 77
Non-repeated Session
Middle School Counselors’ Toolbox for Career Exploration
Middle School counselors now need interest surveys, job statistics, career pathway information, and familiarity with the local postsecondary offerings in order to be wise 1802 facilitators with students and parents. Glendale Unified and Glendale Community College teamed up to fill this toolbox and empower these counselors to deliver great guidance!
Susan Hunt
Coordinator, Employment Development/Business Partnerships
Glendale Unified School District
Glendale, CA
Laura Castagnari
Toll Middle School
Glendale, CA
Jan Swinton
Associate Dean & Instructional Workforce Development
Glendale Community College
Glendale, CA
Harbor Room
Employer Involvement
Capacity: 120
Repeated Monday, Session 3 Harbor Room
A Local CTE Advisory Committee – A Best Practice
A local CTE advisory committee is essential to implementation of sound CTE programs and plays a vital role in the development and survival of CTE programs. This workshop will demonstrate the need, purpose and responsibility of the local advisory committee. A plan for committee development and maintenance will be presented.
Eric Dyer
Education Program Consultant
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
Imperial Room
Business & Marketing Managment
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
Business Education: Meeting Academic and CTE Standards in the Classroom
The goal of this presentation is to provide tools to assist business instructors in meeting both academic and career-technical standards. Three industry sectors represent business education. Tools will include standards assessment, lesson plan development, and programs of study strategies.
Kay Orrell
Project Manager
Business Education Resource Consortium
Santa Maria, CA
Career Pathways/Industry Sector
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session
My Dream – Connecting Middle School Students to their Passions
Following up on a presentation given at the 2008 Tech Prep Conference, this session gives an update to the project, including the videos and new curriculum developed for middle school students. Each participant will walk away with guides and templates to replicate the project in your local district/area. Participants will view and experience the interactive tools that have been developed to allow students to be pro-active in their own future. Some time will be given to brainstorm how the guides and templates can be used in the local districts/areas.
Lance Larson
Program Specialist
San Diego Unified School District
San Diego, CA
Ralph West
Program Manager
San Diego Unified School District
San Diego, CA
Lynn McConville
Program Manager
San Diego Unified School District
San Diego, CA
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 120
Non-repeated Session
OCcareers.com: Promoting Regional Pathways
OCcareers.com brings CTE pathway information together from all of the community colleges, ROPs and K-12 systems in Orange County in a dynamic web site tailored for students and parents. Come explore this regional resource.
Dejah Swingle
Grant Coordinator
Coast Community College District/Orange Coast College
Costa Mesa, CA
Regal Room
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
Creating Effective Career Guidance Programs
Workshop attendees will learn how to use California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) programs in their schools. All attendees will receive a copy of the updated California Career Planning Guide, Second Edition. Attendees will engage in interactive demonstrations of two FREE online career exploration resources, and elements of The Real Game California (TRGC). These resources can assist schools in engaging students by helping them see the relevance of their current school subjects to pursuing their own life goals. CalCRN is a California state agency created to provide California educators with career education resources.
John Merris-Coots
Executive Director
California Career Resource Network
Sacramento, CA
Salon I – North Tower
Business & Marketing Management
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session
Credit Jeopardy: Building Financial Independence
This workshop gives teachers resources and tools used to teach students the importance of financial independence. The workshop emphasizes three objectives which support responsible use of credit including: (1) How to establish a financial plan; (2) understanding the role credit plays in the financial plan; and (3) the benefits of responsible use of credit. This interactive workshop includes a game of Credit Jeopardy. Teachers will receive a copy of all workshop handouts and a copy of the Credit Jeopardy game. The workshop will focus on the importance of maintaining good credit for financial success.
Bobby Waddell
Chief Executive Officer
Folsom Lake College Students in Free Enterprise Team
Folsom, CA
Christy Pimental
Chief Executive Officer
Folsom Lake College Students in Free Enterprise Team
Folsom, CA
Salon II – North Tower
Curriculum Integration
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session
OMG, GIS is Everywhere! Why Not at Your High School?
In this presentation we will share the results of our SB 70 Quick Start project, LA Global. A panel of LAUSD teachers will share curricula and project based modules which demonstrate how Geospatial Information Systems can be integrated into any high school program of study. The detailed curriculum modules will be available to share.
Dr. Marcia R. Wilson
Project Director
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
Los Angeles, CA
Herschel Sarnoff
Executive Director
MultiMedia Learning
Manhattan Beach, CA
Panel of LAUSD Teachers who participated in LA Global
Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles, CA
Salon III – North Tower
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 50
Repeated All Sessions
Perkins Office
When CDE consultants are not presenting workshops, they will be available to meet with local Perkins coordinators to answer district specific questions and to provide technical assistance. Check the schedule posted outside Salon III to see when each consultant is available.
Perkins Unit Education Consultants
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
Salon IV – North Tower
Secondary-Postsecondary Connection
Capacity: 50
Non-repeated Session
Show Me the Money!
Presentation on how all grade level students can 'market' themselves for scholarship opportunities after high school. Creative ideas for autobiographies, essays, applications, preparation and finding the resources for money for any college. (Note: our school, being in the high desert, had to learn to compete with urban areas for scholarship opportunities).
Diane Rodriquez
Career Center Specialist
Hesperia High School
Hesperia, CA
Salon V – North Tower
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 70
Repeated Tuesday, Session 2
Improving Access and Opportunities for Nontraditional & Special Population Students: Planting a Career Technical Education STEM for the Future
Perkins IV focuses on 1) professional development 2) implementation of evaluations, 3) the provision of activities to prepare special population. Join us as we introduce you to a process that allows you to meet all three of these mandates as well as other Perkins IV goals. Receive free materials and online resources. Join us as you share with and learn from your colleagues about the success and barriers.
Elizabeth Wallner
Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee
Sacramento, CA
Salon VI – North Tower
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 70
Non-repeated Session
Allied Health Faculty Externship Program
CVEP’s Career Pathways Initiative implemented a Healthcare Faculty Externship program. Healthcare pathway faculty/counselors explore the practical operations of the healthcare industry. Participants worked in a variety of healthcare business settings and experienced the other side of the working world to be better prepared to convey these real-world experiences to their students.
Donna Sturgeon
Project Coordinator
CVEP Career Pathways Initiative
Indio, CA
Salons VII & VIII – North Tower
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 70
Non-repeated Session
Completing the Application for 2009-2010 Perkins Funding
Now that districts have a Local CTE Plan on file with CDE, the application for 2009-2010 Perkins funding has been streamlined. This workshop will highlight the requirements for using Perkins funds and review the instructions for completing the application. Some time will be spent on appropriate use of funds.
Geoff Belleau
Education Program Consultant
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
Russell Weikle
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA
Standards-Based Curriculum
Capacity: 60
Repeated Tuesday, Session 2
Building Pre-algebra Skills through Project Based Learning
This highly interactive session introduces participants to a set of engineering- and technology-related, project-based pre-algebra units. They are suitable for a summer school program, after-school supplementary instruction, or a middle-school pre-algebra class. Participants complete a modified activity that illustrates actual classroom instruction.
Khanh Bui
Associate for Curriculum Development
ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career
Berkeley, CA
Pier Sun Ho
Senior Associate for Curriculum Development
ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career
Berkeley, CA
Terrace A-C
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session
Student Tech Support Leadership and Help Desk
If your school has computers but not enough technical support personnel, consider the nonprofit MOUSE Squad of California (MSCA) Student Tech Leadership program! Hear from participating students how they use an online curriculum, hands on activities, and a help desk to provide tech support and leadership at California schools.
Jan Half
Program Director
MOUSE Squad of CA (MSCA) Student Tech
San Mateo, CA
Candy Bandong
Instructor/Faculty Advisor
Aragon High School
Foster City, CA
Daniel Brusilovsky
Aragon High School
Foster City, CA
Terrace D-F
Curriculum Integration; Health Careers
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session
Anatomy in Clay II: Brain & Heart
Participants build the components of the brain and heart out of brightly colored clay. "Learn by doing rather than by memorization!"
Starla A. Ewan
Medical Science Instructor
Estacado High School/Zahourek Systems, Inc.
Lubbock, TX
Jeff Poole
Workshop/Products Coordinator
Zahourek Systems, Inc.sites/default
Loveland, CO
Work-Based Learning
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session
Successful Strategies for Implementing Work-Based Learning Activities
When was the last time a student asked you "Why am I learning this?" This interactive workshop is designed to explore the many different ways to connect your classroom instruction to business and industry. Student success models ranging from student projects, job shadowing and mentoring to summer employment opportunities will be shared.
Lori Marchy
Turlock High School/AG ED Tech Prep
Turlock, CA
Robin Bailey
Turlock High School
Turlock, CA