Keynote Speakers

Monday Opening General Session

Jason Dorsey

Bridging the Four Generations in the Schoolhouse

Bestselling author Jason Ryan Dorsey has spoken at 700 schools across the US. His specialty is delivering high-energy in-services that motivate educators to improve their school's culture and student assemblies that inspire Generation Y to let go of their excuses. Jason has been featured on 60 Minutes,20/20, NBC's Today Show, and ABC's The View. His newest books are 50 Ways to Improve School's for Under $50 and My Reality Check Bounced!

Tuesday Breakfast

Ken Gray is Professor Emeritus of the Workforce Education and Development Program at Penn State. Prior to this, he was the Superintendent of Schools for Vocational Technical High School System in the state of Connecticut, and has been a high school English teacher, guidance counselor, and vocational director. Dr. Gray is considered a national authority on high school and post-secondary career and technical education and the successful transition of youth into the workforce. He is the principle author of Other Ways to Win and Getting Real: Helping Teens Find Their Future.

Monday Lunch

Student Performance to be announced