Monday Session 1

10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Monday, February 23

Programs of Study
Capacity: 60
Non-repeated Session

Teaching Financial Literacy in High School

Presentation will discuss teaching high school students how to manage their finances, a skill rarely taught in school yet all of us need to use in the "real world." In light of the current financial crisis, the need to teach students personal finance could not be more relevant.

Brian Nelson
Business Department Chair
Arvin High School
Bakersfield, CA

Garden 1
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session

Exciting Trends in Hospitality, Lodging, and Travel and Tourism: Connecting to the Future

Experts in the field of hospitality and lodging and travel and tourism present new and unusual trends in their fields. Hear information about hospitalities commitment to “green”, with new “green initiatives” from energy conservation programs to smoke-free hotels-organic gardens- and much more. Learn about the many benefits student travel tours offer, and how your students can connect to the future with firsthand travel knowledge.

Geri Shapiro
Tech Prep Director
Los Angeles Mission College
Sylmar, CA

Aleea LeBlanc
Director of Human Resources
Warner Center Marriott
Woodland Hills, CA

Beverly Holt
Automobile Club of Southern California
Northridge, CA

Garden 2
Secondary-Postsecondary Connections
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session

Career Pathways + Programs of Study = Future

Learn how Programs of Study (POS) are developed in high schools and community colleges. Discover challenges and resources to create POS. See how the Statewide Career Pathways articulation templates work. Learn how Career Pathways inform POS. View POS websites. Hear from a student how POS impacts their future.

Maureen Gevirtz, Ed.D.
San Diego Imperial Counties Tech Prep Coordination Project
San Diego, CA

Jean Kaput
Coordinator, Workforce Initiatives
MiraCosta College
Oceanside, CA

Mara Palma-Sanft
Coordinator, Tech Prep
San Diego Community College District
San Diego, CA

Jonathan Archer
Brawley High School
Brawley, CA

Scott Finn
Southwestern Community College
San Diego, CA

Cindy McQuien
Tech Prep Program Specialist
Grossmont Cuyamaca College
El Cajon, CA

Garden 3
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 150
Non-repeated Session

Inspiring Hard-to-Reach Students

After working on-site at some of the country’s most challenging schools, Jason has developed a unique strategy for connecting with and motivating hard-to-reach students. This strategy enables him to quickly build the trust, respect, and confidence of these students who often do not look, dress, or talk like him. In this practical program, Jason shares his strategy so your attendees can better engage and influence their hardest to reach students.

Jason Ryan Dorsey
Keynote Speaker
Austin, TX

Garden 4
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 120
Non-repeated Session

Getting Creative with Fundraising, Grants, and More

Are you looking for ways to fund that special project you have been thinking of? Do you need to find a new fundraising idea? Maybe we can help. Come by to see the different grant resources and fundraising ideas we have. Maybe something will spark your interest and help you get the funds you need for your program.

Krista Vannest
John Pitman High School
Turlock, CA

Jake Dunn
John Pitman High School
Turlock, CA

Troy Gravatt
John Pitman High School
Turlock, CA

Programs of Study
Capacity: 77
Non-repeated Session

First Steps: A High School Design Program

This presentation will introduce the viewer to the design program at Cabrillo High School. This award winning ROP program has been able to send students into careers as graphic designers and on to art colleges with a high level of success. In addition to being an ROP program, it is also an AP Studio Art class and students receive CSU art credit as well.

Scott Schaller
Cabrillo High School
Lompoc, CA

Harbor Room
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 120
Repeated Tuesday, Session 2

Making Perkins Data Work for You!

Data can prove the effectiveness of career technical education and generate support for CTE programs. Strategies will be discussed regarding required student reporting elements (E-1), following up with students after course completion (E-2), and the implications of the core performance indicators.

Geoff Belleau
Education Program Consultant
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA

Imperial Room
Business & Marketing Management
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session

Entrepreneurship, Teamwork, Personal Financial Responsibility, and More – Virtual Enterprise

Students prepare for college AND career by implementing their own simulated business, learn how to budget their virtual salaries via online banking, and utilize Web-based resources, which support the teacher "consultant." Student presenters will explain how they use real "pipe and drape" trade fairs to stimulate the "virtual economy." UC "g" and community college "credit by exam" are also available.

Jeff Wood
Business/Virtual Enterprise Teacher
Mount Miguel High School
Spring Valley, CA

Virtual Enterprise Students
Mount Miguel High School
Spring Valley, CA

K-8 Models
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session

A Japan Career Education Collaborative Project: Connecting to the Future

The JUSO project is one K-8 model of career education in Japan that provides students with career education opportunities to think and reflect upon the past, present, and how to connect to the future. Collaboration with schools, NPO, Chambers of Commerce, companies, volunteers, and parents are key components.

Darryl T. Yagi
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Kato, Hyogo, Japan

Toyoki Nakao
Counseling and Guidance Supervisor
JUSO Junior High School
Mino, Osaka, Japan

Yukiko Higashiura
Graduate Student
Osaka University
Nara, Japan

Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 120
Non-repeated Session

Implementing a Classroom Economy to Stimulate Learning

The goal of this workshop is to offer an effective solution for individual assessment during project based team activities. In addition, this method of consultant learning is a rigorous method to stimulate student engagement. A Multimedia Production classroom model will be used to illustrate the process that consists of project management, personal accounting, and individualized learning using classroom currency as a powerful motivational tool.

Effren Villanueva
Multimedia Productions Instructor
Multimedia and Visual Arts School
San Diego, CA

Regal Room
Curriculum Integration
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session

High School Revolution: A Successful Academy/Small Learning Community Model

Los Medanos College and feeder high school ROP and Teaching and Learning Careers Academy faculty joined together to build reciprocal course content and course work that support articulation agreements. The model developed and lessons learned can inform any college and high school articulation partnership. This will be shared through this interactive session.

Sedikeh Yusufi
CTE Dept. Head & Academy Lead Teacher
River City High School
West Sacramento, CA

Ellen Hoffman
River City High School
West Sacramento, CA

Salon I – North Tower
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session

Entrepreneurship: Exploring Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice

Owning a business has become the twenty-first century version of the 1950s American dream of owning a home, but entrepreneurship is not for everyone. It’s important to consider whether you have what it takes to start a business and run it successfully. If you want to start a company one day then you may want to explore the opportunities for entrepreneurs. This workshop will focus on what it takes to make entrepreneurship a career choice.

K.D. Singh
Project Director
Folsom Lake College Students in Free Enterprise
Folsom, CA

Salon II – North Tower
Secondary-Postsecondary Connections
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session

Creating a Pathway by Choice not by Chance . . . Career Education, College Preparation, and Beyond

Learn about the Ernest Righetti High School Six Year Plan and Pathways program and how it articulates to Allan Hancock College and beyond to four-year universities. Hear how high school to college partnerships benefits student success. Participants will also learn how to address the English Language Arts Content Standards with career education based assignments and projects.

Stephanie Robb
Articulation/Tech Prep Coordinator
Allan Hancock College
Santa Maria, CA

Vicki Dirkes
College and Career Center Advisor
Ernest Righetti High School
Santa Maria, CA

Cat Petty
English Department Chair
Ernest Righetti High School
Santa Maria, CA

Dave DeGroot
Articulation Officer
Allan Hancock College
Santa Maria, CA

Salon III – North Tower
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 50
Repeated All Sessions

Perkins Office

When CDE consultants are not presenting workshops, they will be available to meet with local Perkins coordinators to answer district specific questions and to provide technical assistance. Check the schedule posted outside Salon III to see when each consultant is available.

Perkins Unit Education Consultants
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA

Salon IV – North Tower
Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 50
Non-repeated Session

Your One Stop for Career Tech Ed:

We will be sharing and demonstrating the web site and its online community aspects. The web site is a resource for teachers, students, administrators and anyone interested in CTE issues. We provide information, links, discussion, and assistance on issues related to CTE.

Bob Kepford
State Center Consortium
Clovis, CA

Salon V – North Tower
Secondary-Postsecondary Connections
Capacity: 70
Non-repeated Session

“Engineering” Your Ideas into Reality

Learn how one district and a whole community implemented a strong, articulated engineering pathway for high school students, as well as community college students and beyond. Lesson learned on strategies for developing effective partnerships with the community, including the local and regional businesses and defense industry will be presented. Practical grant writing tips that have enabled the district to tap into $3.4 million worth of support for this pathway will also be shared with participants. This presentation includes the administrator, teacher and student perspective. Audience participation through interactive response systems will be used.

Laura Hickle
Coordinator of Special Projects
Sierra Sands Unified School District
Ridgecrest, CA

Valerie Karnes
Dean of Career Technical Education
Cerro Coso Community College
Ridgecrest, CA

Damien Jacotin
Engineering/Electronics Teacher
Sierra Sands Unified SD – Burroughs High School
Ridgecrest, CA

Salon VI – North Tower
Career Pathways/Industry Sector; Health Careers
Capacity: 70
Non-repeated Session

Starting an EMT Program at Your High School

Emphasis for this session will be placed on local, state and national requirements; required supplies/costs; challenges of being in a high school setting; and procedures for starting and maintaining a program.

Tim Klein
Palmdale High School
Palmdale, CA

Salon VII & VIII – North Tower
Assessment and Accountability
Capacity: 70
Non-repeated Session

Perkins 101

Perkins 101 will examine the implications and requirements of Perkins IV Act and the California State Plan for Career Technical Education. Grant expectations, accountability requirements, allowable expenditures and fiscal reporting will be discussed. CTE directors and teachers who use Perkins to support programs will find this session useful.

Barbara Weiss
Education Program Consultant
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA

Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 60
Non-repeated Session

The Cat’s Meow

This presentation will focus on the Registered Veterinary Technician industry pathway. Steps to incorporating this career pathway model will include details regarding state certification, RVT requirements and articulation between secondary and post-secondary institutions. Student internships, industry involvement and job placement for RVT graduates are just a few of the opportunities that a program such as this can bring to your institution. Learn from our experience in building this industry based pathway.

Julie Haynes
Program Coordinator
Modesto Junior College
Modesto, CA

Heather Adney
Central Valley High School
Ceres, CA

Terrace A-C
Secondary-Postsecondary Connections
Capacity: 90
Non-repeated Session

Workforce Development Research for CTE

Learn how to access information on high-demand jobs, high-growth industries, and training and education needs in your region. This information provided by the California Community Colleges' Centers of Excellence can be used to plan your course offerings, align with community colleges’ programs, and help students choose a career path.

Audrey Reille
Director, Center of Excellence
Mt. San Antonio College
Walnut, CA

David Militzer
CTE Education Consultant
California Department of Education
Sacramento, CA

Terrace D-F
Health Careers
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session

Anatomy in Clay I: Muscles and Bones

Participants build clay muscles and attach them to a skeletal model. Each person experiences this unique hands-on method of learning and 'seeing' the relationship of muscles and skeletal components working together for movement. "The mind does not forget what the hands have learned."

Starla Ewan
Medical Science Instructor
Estacado High School/Zahourek Systems, Inc.
Lubbock, TX

Jeff Poole
Workshops/Product Coordinator
Zahourek Systems, Inc.
Loveland, CO

Career Pathways/Industry Sectors
Capacity: 80
Non-repeated Session

Empowering Students to Become the Career Architect of their Future

This (Part III) interactive presentation will focus on an integrated model for working with school officials and students. The ASVAB Career Exploration program has enabled KOFA High School (Yuma, AZ) to integrate the CEP in the school’s curriculum. This presentation will highlight specific strategies regarding how more than 4000 students identified their career goals.

John W. Stine
Education Services Specialist
San Diego MEPS
San Diego, CA

Richard Rundhaug, MBA, Ph.D.
Willcox Unified School District
Willcox, AZ