Using Rubrics in the Classroom

Lynne Porter
North Orange County Office of Education

The first part of this workshop gives an overview/review of rubrics as an instructional tool for both fostering and assessing student learning in a career-technical classroom. The second half focuses specifically on using rubrics-based performance evaluations to assess and grade student achievement of professional behaviors and attitudes.

Rubric Student Evaluations309.68 KB
Rubrics Ropers Orange County583.4 KB
Rubrics Handout504.89 KB
Whining Rubric1.2 MB
Rubrics Drafting930.65 KB
writing-rubric.pdf848.94 KB
Rubric Professionalism1.28 MB
Rubric Standard Based Ropers1.02 MB
Rubric Performance Evaluation28.31 KB
Rubric Nurse Plan3.66 MB